
Ajuntament Sant Quirze de Besora

El meu municipi es diu Sant Quirze de Besora, es un poble petit i recullidor, i de montanya.
Tenim 2.000 habitants, amb un gobern de E.R.C., amb una oposició de Convergencia, en les properes eleccions municipals sera la primera vegada que es presentaran el nostre partit Socialista.

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Ladyhihi ha dit...

When a woman marries, she is usually given Jewelry to celebrate her future. A bracelet with wedding bells or a marriage certificate can later be filled with more wedding, honeymoon, anniversary, or baby birthstone shoes. These collectables are frequently referred to as “Lifetime Gifts" growing over the years to be passed on to her daughter, continuing the family tradition of collecting her Eire loom jewelry.

Italienisch Uebersetzung
bracelet charms